Pre-registration of a learner

Atelier : les Huiles Essentielles de l'Hiver - the December 7, 2024

Vous pouvez vous inscrire à l'atelier d'aromathérapie ici.
Je suis à votre disposition à si vous avez besoin d'informations complémentaires.
Belle journée,
Joëlle Le Guehennec

General information
Learner's photo *
JPG, PNG or WebP, ≤ 500Ko
Information for funding agencies
Fields marked with * are mandatory.
The data collected in this form is processed by ECOLE FRANCAISE D'AROMATHERAPIE INTEGRATIVE in order to manage your registration on the site. To find out more about the management of your personal data and to exercise your rights, we invite you to read our privacy policy